Master in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Classical Philology
Gothenburg, Швеція
2 Years
Денне навчання
Кінцевий термін подання заявки
Sep 2024
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* Questions regarding tuition fees: [email protected]
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The study of the history of philosophy is a historical as well as a philosophical discipline. It is philosophical because it seeks the origins of contemporary philosophical debates. It is historical because it seeks to understand these origins on their own terms and in their own context. Consequently, its practitioners must be not only philosophically competent but also proficient in the use of historical methods.

Moreover, in the Ancient and Medieval Western world, philosophers from Plato and Aristotle to Thomas Aquinas and William Ockham wrote in either Greek or Latin. This means that anyone who wants to know what these philosophers really said, without the distortions inevitably caused by translations, must also have a grasp of the classical languages and such related auxiliary disciplines as paleography and textual criticism.
As is seen, the academic study of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy requires a set of skills that are becoming increasingly rare even on a global scale. Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Classical Philology, Master’s Programme offers students the possibility to acquire all these skills. The programme has developed as an offshoot of a major interdisciplinary research programme. It is offered in close collaboration with the research group and its international network of leading scholars and partner institutions.
Course content
- Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- Greek and Latin
- Historical and Philological Methodology
- Text-Based Courses
Career after graduation
The programme is mainly a preparation for Ph.D. studies.
Degree of Bachelor of Arts in one of the following main fields of study: Theoretical Philosophy, Greek, Latin, Liberal Arts, or equivalent. Applicants must prove their knowledge of English: English 6/ English B from Swedish Upper Secondary School or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example, TOEFL, IELTS.
3 reasons to study this Programme
- Ancient and Medieval Philosophy are studied in parallel
- Classical Philology is part of the curriculum
- Source texts are studied in the original languages
Applying to the Programme
International students without EU/EEA citizenship
The main application period for international students is mid-October to 15 January for programs starting in the autumn.
Apply at href="universityadmissions.se
EU/EEA free mover /non-Partner students and Swedish students
If you do not need a resident permit, application for autumn will be open mid-March – mid-April.
Apply either at www.universityadmissions.se or at www.antagning.se
Tuition fees
Students who are citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA are generally required to pay tuition fees. Tuition fees do not apply to EU/EEA citizens. For information about the tuition fees, please contact the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Theory of Science.
More information:
Контакт: Андреас Отт, [email protected]
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Про Школу
Подібні курси
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