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Rotterdam School of Management | Erasmus University MSc International Management/CEMS
Rotterdam School of Management | Erasmus University

MSc International Management/CEMS

Rotterdam, Нідерланди

18 Months


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EUR 3 125 / per year *

На кампусі

* tuition fee for EEA students. €27,300 for non-EEA students. Tuition fees are subject to change



The MSc International Management/CEMS brings you two degrees in one world-class 18-month programme through RSM’s partnership with the global CEMS organisation. It offers an unrivalled start to your career thanks to high-quality international teaching and superb networking prospects. You can specialize through careful selection of courses and your thesis topic, or choose a track of more general management studies.

CEMS, the Global Alliance in Management Education, is a strategic alliance of top business schools and leading multinational organisations: over 30 world-class academic institutions around the world collaborate with over 70 corporate partners and 5 NGOs to offer international students a unique blend of high-quality education and professional experience.

Candidates already know that RSM is where they will find a solid business education in the largest international port in Europe, embedded in a nation with a rich history of trading.

The programme’s credentials, its focus on the practical aspect of business education and the highly competitive selection process ensure that you will join a highly motivated and talented class, and undertake a demanding international programme.

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