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Northeastern Illinois University M.A. in Geography and Environmental Studies
Northeastern Illinois University

M.A. in Geography and Environmental Studies

Chicago, США

3 Years


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USD 17 089 / per year *

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* resident tuition 6 credit hours per semester: $412.19/credit hour. Non-resident tuition 6 credit hours per semester: $824.38/credit hour. Additional fees may apply


This program is designed for students with various academic backgrounds who are interested in a career that spans the human and natural environments—the social and physical sciences—and who desire the spatial analytical skills of geography. Among other things, students are expected to:

  • Acquire knowledge about human-environmental relations in which the environment is considered as both space and milieu
  • Acquire knowledge of rapidly changing landscapes, synthesizing diverse but interrelated information
  • Acquire knowledge related to locational studies concerning geometrics of movement, size, shape, and distance
  • Acquire knowledge related to environmental resources including interpretation, planning, development, use, and conservation

Program Benefits

The M.A. in Geography and Environmental Studies program is theoretical and practical. Students gain knowledge, conceptual skills, and technical skills. The program provides a solid basis for a career, a career shift, career enhancement, or preparation for post-graduate studies.

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English Language Requirements

Підтвердьте свій рівень володіння англійською мовою за допомогою Duolingo English Test! DET — це зручний, швидкий і доступний онлайн-тест з англійської мови, прийнятий понад 4000 університетами (як цей) у всьому світі.

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