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Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Research master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: Cognitive Neuroscience
Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Research master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: Cognitive Neuroscience

Maastricht, Нідерланди

2 Years


Денне навчання

01 Mar 2025

Sep 2025

EUR 32 000 / per year

На кампусі


In the Cognitive Neuroscience specialisation, you acquire a unique combination of in-depth knowledge on human brain function, perception, and cognition, paralleled with extensive and hands-on training for using the most advanced non-invasive brain imaging (including fMRI, fNIRS, DWI, EEG/MEG) and brain stimulation (TMS, tDCS) techniques. The obtained knowledge and skills provide an excellent background to flexibly apply these techniques in fundamental as well as applied and clinical research settings.

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