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Erasmus University Rotterdam - Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Master in Urban Governance of Inclusive Sustainable Cities
Erasmus University Rotterdam - Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Master in Urban Governance of Inclusive Sustainable Cities

Rotterdam, Нідерланди

1 Years


Денне навчання

17 Jun 2025

Sep 2025

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Is this the programme you're looking for?

Do you wonder what role cities play in discovering answers to major social economic and environmental issues such as sustainability, poverty, inequality, housing and growth in a just way? Then this urban studies master track is the right choice for you.

The study programme in a nutshell

Today, cities are dynamic and fast-growing. They pose challenging governance questions as they are at the heart of cultural, social and political transitions and innovations towards more sustainable and inclusive societies. Professionals who possess the right knowledge and skills to tackle complex urban governance and development issues are therefore urgently needed to develop sustainable and inclusive governance policies. This unique master's in Urban Governance of Inclusive Sustainable Cities is a collaboration between the Department of Public Administration and the Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies Open External (IHS), combining Public Administration expertise on urban policy, politics and governance with Urban Planning and Management expertise.

What does this study entail?

This social sciences master track is part of the Master of Science in Public Administration of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. A unique asset of this urban studies track is the collaboration between the Department of Public Administration of Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) and the Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies Opens External (IHS).

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