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E-commerce Course Online with Real Internship

Milan, Італія

6 up to 18 Months

Італійський, Англійська

Денне навчання, Заочне навчання

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Вивчіть можливості отримання стипендій, щоб допомогти фінансувати своє навчання


Real Practice - Work Experience (optional)

We offer E-commerce Course students who request it, the opportunity to be able to practice in the field through a real WORK EXPERIENCE, which we will validate and can then be included in their resume as experience. Placed in a work team coordinated by 3 professional digital teachers, students have the opportunity to deepen the notions and skills learned during the lessons with a practical-operational slant with a real practicum experience. In a job market that demands more and more specialization, it becomes crucial to be able to demonstrate initial curricular activity in a field consistent with E-commerce Master's studies.

Precisely with this in mind, we have devised a formula that allows the student to choose the area in which to specialize and to be included in the relevant work team. In collaboration with colleagues and under the supervision of professional consultants in e-commerce, web marketing, digital marketing and social media marketing, the student has the opportunity to work in a team on real activities and follow all phases of their implementation, to achieve objectives that will be measured in KPIs.

This is a curriculable job to be included under one's professional experience.

At the conclusion of the Work Experience, in fact, the student will be able to include the internship experience in their resume and Linkedin profile, explicitly stating that they have had internship work experience in-and-commerce with Digital Coach. The Work Experience can be done either with the Digital Coach® School or in one of our partner companies.

Навчальний план

Карєрні можливості

English Language Requirements

Підтвердьте свій рівень володіння англійською мовою за допомогою Duolingo English Test! DET — це зручний, швидкий і доступний онлайн-тест з англійської мови, прийнятий понад 4000 університетами (як цей) у всьому світі.

Пройдіть безкоштовний практичний іспит!

Про Школу


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